They're Here! Children's Ministry Sessions on the Lord's Supper
For the past few years folks have been contacting Faith Alive Resources and Faith Formation Ministries to ask, “Do you have any children's ministry sessions on the Lord’s Supper?” Today I’m excited to tell you that we can finally answer, “Yes, we do!”
Open the Educational Resources tab of Faith Formation Ministries' Welcoming Children to the Lord's Supper toolkit to access age-graded sessions on the Lord's Supper for Preschool, K-1, 2-3, 4-5 and Middle School, along with a K-5 Large Group/Small Group session and an All Ages Intergenerational Learning Experience.
Each of the sessions (like all of the children’s ministry curriculum from Faith Alive) is written by people who’ve been actively engaged in children’s ministry in Reformed congregations around North America.
We believe that theology matters whether you are 3 or 103, so each session was written from a Reformed perspective.
We also realize that every church is in a different place on its journey to welcoming children to the Lord’s Supper, so each session includes tips to guide you as you teach in your unique context.
And, since we know that the primary place where faith is nurtured is the home, every session includes a note for families so that the conversation that happened at church can continue at home.
Have I mentioned that every one of these sessions is FREE?
Download the sessions. Use them with your children at church. Send us your feedback. We’re here to serve.
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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