Leading a Child to Jesus

As churches become more intentional about connecting with their communities, Sunday school leaders like you disciple more and more children who are at the very beginning of their Christian journey. When the Holy Spirit works in their hearts, these children begin to respond to the call of the gospel. Covenant children, too, commit their lives to the Lord, for every covenant has two parts: God’s promises and our faithful, obedient response. Paul’s words in Romans 10:9 are true for every child: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
As a Sunday school leader, what is your role in this miraculous, God-initiated process? The following questions and answers will encourage you to make the most of the opportunities that God’s Spirit provides. Every child’s spiritual journey is unique. Every leader’s relationship with his or her children is different. No “how-to” formula will replace the leading of God’s Spirit in your own heart as you prayerfully seek to follow Jesus’ command “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matt. 19:14).
Q. Is it my job as a church school teacher to lead a child to Jesus?
A. Yes! That’s your main purpose for teaching church school. Through all you do in the classroom, you are seeking to bring children into a living, growing relationship with Jesus, recognizing always that it is the work of the Holy Spirit to convince a child to respond to the gospel message you present. But note these specifics:
Q. Should I encourage a child to make a specific commitment to Christ?
A. Possibly. It depends on the age level of the child and on the child’s sincerity. In seeking a specific commitment, we can make two mistakes:
Q. Should I try to convert the child?
A. No way! You couldn’t if you tried! Conversion comes by way of the regenerating work of God’s Holy Spirit in the child’s heart. You can present God’s Word in a way that is meaningful to the child. You can show the way by modeling your own faith. But only God’s mysterious work can give a child saving faith. What you can do, when appropriate, is
Q. How do I know when a child is ready to make a commitment to Jesus?
A. Pray, observe, and ask questions.
Pray that the Lord will
Observe which child
Ask questions to help you gauge the child’s relationship to God. This allows you to draw alongside the child at her unique place on her spiritual journey. You may wish to talk to her after class or at some other church function. If you do, make sure you do so in a safe, public place where you will not frighten the child or create a suspicion of impropriety. Even better, arrange for a visit in the child’s home, where you can get to know her family as well.
The questions you ask should be age-appropriate and based as much as possible on your prior observations of where the child is in her spiritual life. For young children, you might want to ask questions based on a Bible story about Jesus. Reinforce what you teach in class: Jesus loves us, Jesus is good, we can always trust Jesus, Jesus wants us to follow him. Reviewing a favorite story or song will communicate much more effectively than a thematic presentation of the way of salvation. Remember, you are building the foundation on which a mature commitment will one day rest.
Older children will be more aware of their relationship with the Lord and may be able to respond to more specific questions like these:
Q. What do I do if a child is far enough along in his spiritual journey to want to commit his life to Jesus?
A. Review, pray, point, and celebrate.
Put this brief review in your own words, and talk it through with the child to be sure he “gets” it. Clear up any misunderstandings, and allow time for some questions.
Pray when you know the child is ready to make a verbal commitment. Encourage him to say a prayer asking Jesus to be his Savior and Lord. Ask him if he wants to have a parent, other family member, or friend present for that prayer as well. If not, do encourage the child to tell his family about his commitment later, or if possible, go with the child to share the good news about the child’s decision.
Offer to help young children pray a prayer along these lines:
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for loving me. I know that I disobey you and do wrong things. I am sorry for my sins. I know that God loves me and forgives my sins. I want to love you more. Amen.
Older children may want to write down what they want to pray so that they can think about it carefully. Or they may want you to suggest words for them to use. If they are really shy or simply don’t know how to pray, offer to pray with them, but ask what they would like you to pray about. Here’s an example:
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for dying on the cross to take away my sin. Thank you for making me God’s child. I know that I don’t deserve that, because I’ve done lots of things that don't please you. But I trust your promise, and I want to live my life for you. Please come into my life and be my Savior and Lord. Show me how to live, and give me your Spirit so I’ll do what you want me to do. Help me when I do the things that you do not want me to do. Keep me trusting you every day. Amen.
Then point out the road ahead in some of the following ways:
Celebrate! Express your happiness and joy and assure the child that Jesus receives him in love. Make this an ongoing celebration, using every opportunity to remind the child how blessed you were to share in his commitment. Ask how he’s doing, and encourage him to keep on growing. Assure him that you will continue to pray for him—and that you’ll do so long after you stop being his church school leader. A phone call or note of encouragement from you can mean a lot over the years.
Help the child understand that a lifelong walk with Jesus will have its ups and downs. Many, many recommitments will be required during his lifetime. But assure him that Jesus will always be there, ready to forgive and to move on. For Jesus truly is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by him” (John 14:6).
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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