Looking for a litany to use for commissioning your Sunday school team? Here are some sources to check out:
LUYH, the new CRC/RCA hymnal includes a full commissioning liturgy on page 855, and a prayer for commissioning leaders on page 869 that goes along with the song Here I Am, Lord! If your church has begun using LUYH you'll have an easy time using one of those options in your worship service.
Another great source is the Reformed Worship website. This website offers past articles from the Reformed Worship magazine, including several commissioning litanies that have been featured over the years. A forum post on the Youth Ministry network also turned up a few other options. Pastor's John Lee and Bert Solfstra have offered to share litanies that they've written and used with their congregations. You can contact John Lee and Bert Slofstra at pastor@bethelsc.org and dbslof@telus.net to ask for a copy.
I hope you'll have the chance in the next few weeks to train your leaders and commission them for a new season of faith nurture ministry!
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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Hi Jolanda,
You may recall that you passed on your Fath Nurture litany to me recently. I'm pleased to report that it worked very well and our Sunday School commissioning was very blessed--thanks be to God! Thank you for your help.
Peace to you,
Excellent! I'm so glad to hear it. I love to see leader's commissioned. It's inspiring to the whole congregation to see the baptismal vows being kept and to know that there are so many among us who are nurturing the faith of others! I hope the momentum continues throughout the season!
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