Coordinating Sunday school for the first time? You’re not alone! This network is designed especially for you and your teaching team. It’s full of helpful tips, ideas, and resources so that you won’t have to reinvent the wheel. It also includes a forum where you can post questions for other Sunday school coordinators or share your own insights. Bookmark this webpage and check in often to see what’s new!
A Springboard Start
Competitive swimmers know that the starting point is crucial. A good leap, a smooth entry, and you’re off to an excellent start—with a boost of confidence that pushes you toward the final lap. Sunday school is similar. The work you do at the start of the season (even before the kickoff) will put you on pace for the rest of the year. If you’re picking up the job mid-season, the suggestions below should help you now and get you ready for a strong kickoff in the fall!
If you’re a doer like me, you’ll find it easier to check things off the list than be still to pause for prayer. But walking in step with the Spirit is essential . . . . (more)
Schedules, leader’s guides, forms, and classrooms—you’re the one who makes sure all the pieces come together so that Sunday school happens! Use this checklist to make your job easier.
You know that Sunday school is not just a program; its one of the avenues God uses to shape young disciples of Christ. You know that childhood is the most formative time in a person’s life—when most of us develop a spiritual and moral compass that guides us through the rest of our years. You know that kids need to build relationships with caring adults who will mentor them and model a life lived for Christ—But does your congregation know that? (more)
Bonny Mulder-Behnia, the family ministries pastor at Rosewood CRC in Bellflower, Calif., says that the key to calling volunteers is to “find people who love God and love kids; then equip them with the skills they need to lead a group of children.” (more)
As a Sunday school coordinator you call people to the ministry of faith formation and coach them just as Paul coached young Timothy as he led the church in Ephesus! You help volunteers shine the light of Christ in the lives of kids. Click here for more on equipping and encouraging your team.
Every season should be full of celebration! Teachers, parents, and kids, along with the whole congregation, can celebrate the way God has works in and through the Sunday school program to grow kid's faith. Consider these ideas for thanking teachers and sharing their stories with your church.
Children's Ministry, VBS
Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture
Children's Ministry
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