Just recently I had the joy of attending the Global Leadership Summit by the WCA (Willow Creek Association) at a satellite location in Holland MI. It was two days of fellowship, growing and learning leadership techniques from some of North America’s top leaders! We heard from Andy Stanley talk about the Upside of Tension, Tony Dungy on Mentorship, Jack Welsh on Leadership and much more. It was two day of pure enjoyment.
I would like to share with you just a few thoughts that Pastor Bill Hybels (Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church) shared in his opening address. Here are 4-points that he shared about effective leadership:
Effective Leaders move people from here to there! An effective leader does not keep things as status quo but develops an environment where there is a forward and upward momentum to achieve new goals. In order to do this it takes more than just a great vision. It’s sharing with people that you can no longer stay where you are for various reasons and as a result the ‘there’ is where you need to be moving towards.
Effective Leaders have fantastic people surrounding them! In youth ministry it is often said that a youth pastor is only as good as his/her volunteers. It is important that you surround yourself with fantastic volunteers who have a passion for youth. Who is fantastic in your congregation – get them on board with you!
Effective Leaders have mile markers and celebrations! The space between the here and the there can sometime be long; it’s the place where people can loose the momentum of goals set out. It’s crucial that you set mile markers and celebrate often the little goals that will eventually reach the grand vision. Celebrate often with your volunteers, council and congregation. Who doesn’t like a party?
Effective Leaders need to hear the whispers of God! You can not do it alone. You need to move in the strength and power of God who has given you the passion for ministry. Spend time with Him on a daily basis seeking His will and then move accordingly. Invite your volunteer team and council into times of prayer and silent reflection. God speaks today – make sure you are in tune with His voice. (Check out Bill Hybels newest book: The Power of a Whisper)
This is great stuff that is extremely useful to any youth worker! God has given us nothing but His utmost! We should give God our utmost and one way to do that is to be an effective, Godly leader in the environment that He has placed you.
Now go and lead!
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
Biblical Justice, Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry, Classis
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