Looking for a Name for a Prayer Partner Ministry
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We are matching up our youth with adults in our congregation who are willing to pray specifically for the youth in their care. We have some ideas of our expectations but would like to have a creative or catchy name for it (something more than just "prayer partners"). We are hoping the adults not only pray for the youth but also get to know them by touching base with them regularly to see what is happening in their lives and then following up with prayer.
Does anybody have a focused prayer ministry for your youth like this and some examples of what you call this prayer mentorship? We would also love ideas on what has worked well and suggestions for things to avoid if you have experience with this as well. Thanks!
Youth Ministry, Classis
Global Mission, Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry, Children's Ministry
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Thanks for the idea, Ken! Our church's ministry coordinator encouraged me to follow up and share the name and some info about our youth prayer partner ministry (in case anybody needs ideas for names or guidelines for establishing a prayer partner ministry). We decided to go with Prayerforce since it was a name the youth created and really liked. Here is a link to the logo that was created specifically for this ministry: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_yPhBc6anA1o/TTeFYyTz6LI/AAAAAAAACi4/e5gupb0qysk/s800/prayerforce.png
To get adults to join we made a request from the pulpit on a Sunday a.m., used bulletin announcements and e-mail reminders and finally personally asked individuals (when we realized we were only halfway there). Each adult receives a card that includes information about their youth partner (grade, school, hobbies, cell #, and address) to make it easier to be in contact with them and to pray for them, a reminder list of what being a Prayerforce partner entails, and a picture of their youth. We also included a reminder about the safe church policy so adults are not meeting with youth individually. (All of the information fit on a small enough piece of paper so it could be pasted onto the back of each youth's pix.)
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