Top Ways to Start Your Season Well

Starting well is crucial for the success and growth of any ministry. How do we start with the right building blocks to help us to disciple well in Youth Ministry? In this webinar, we’ll share the top 14 ways Youth Ministry people from across Canada have used to start their youth ministry seasons well.
Ron deVries has worked as a Youth Ministry Consultant for Classis Alberta North in Canada since 2007. He also serves the CRCNA as a Faith Formation Coach. Ron is married to Monique and they have two young adult children, Amanda and Shawn. Koenraad Beugelink has been leading youth at New Life Church in Abbotsford, BC for 17 years. He’s married to Christine and has five kids who keep him young and loving life. As Koenraad ministers to youth and young adults, his passion is to help them discover where their story fits into the Creation, Fall, Redemption narrative.
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
Biblical Justice, Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry, Classis
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