Telling the Story of the CRC, One Record at a Time

Dr. Richard Harms has served as the Curator of Archives at Heritage Hall [Calvin College] since January 1998. He is a member of Hillside Community CRC.
In your role as Curator of Archives, what’s your relationship to the CRC?
I’m responsible for keeping all the permanent records of the denomination, its agencies, classes, and congregations. A history of the office can be found here.
We assist churches and agencies with records management and provide reference access to historical material. We collect records that have historical significance (minutes, histories, memberships, images, etc.) or material that needs to be retained for legal reasons (primarily employment records).
In addition, we provide advice on record keeping systems—paper and digital. We’ve also produced a historical directory and have an online database with photos of ordained ministers.
What kind of documents are churches required to send you? How are you able to keep in touch with 1000+ churches?
While a congregation is active we will film all the minutes of elder, deacon and council meetings. Participation by churches is voluntary but comes at no direct cost to them. About 90 percent of the congregations and all the classes participate.
We also ask congregations to send us a copy of any history booklet they produce and a membership directory from every fifth year. Once a congregation closes, all their records are sent to us. We will keep one copy of all the minutes, all the membership information, all bulletins and newsletters, all history booklets, and other items that may help tell the story of that congregation to future generations.
We contact every congregation at least once every 10 years via email, telephone, and/or a classical representative—roughly 100 congregations each year which is a bit less daunting than trying to contact them all. We use the ten-year cycles because we found it effective and the least cumbersome for churches to send us their minutes once every ten years. At synodical meetings, I make it a point to also meet with as many delegates as possible.
Sounds like you’ve got a great system though the sheer volume of records must be overwhelming at times. What keeps you motivated?
I have skill set that is well suited to this work and I enjoy my job. Overcoming challenges is satisfying, as is helping someone find the item(s) they need among the approximately 3 million documents, 15,000 images, and 6,000 recordings.
We are able be effective because our staff has created and maintained effective organizational systems and finding aids. A byproduct of all this is that I have the privilege to see how God has used his broken people to accomplish wondrous things—there is much pain in this world, but I have been allowed to see that grace is greater than the pain.
Years ago I realized that this is the work I’m called to do so motivation comes naturally. We are all called to contribute to God’s kingdom and I believe this work is what I’m called to contribute. Like all of creation, work was intended to be a gift.
What’s one thing you hope to see happen in the future of record management?
I would like for folks to work with us to establish sound protocols and practices having to do with retention and storage. Often this is not glamorous work but daily we get requests and if the work has been done well in the past, we can answer those requests. If the work has not been done well, we cannot.
As an example, I recently received a request from an elder who was visiting a person near the end of life here. This aged saint could not remember if she’d been baptized and it was important for her to know that she had been. Her congregation had kept excellent records and I was easily able to find a copy of her baptismal certificate and send a copy of it to the elder to share with her.
As the transition from paper to digital formats is underway, this is even more urgent to do.
Thank you for sharing! You are a gift to the CRC and we are grateful for your faithful service.
Got a question or comment for Dr. Harms before he retires? Be sure and comment below.
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Always efficient, knowledgeable and thorough. Thank you for your faithful service to the CRC. Blessings on your retirement!
As part of the Yearbook staff, I have sought Dick's help numerous times, asking him to search the archives for that last little piece of the puzzle we were missing. Dick was always happy to help and did so on a very timely basis. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to tour the archives and it is truly amazing! It is so well-organized and it impressed me that with all the records stored there, how fast he could find what we needed. And, you could see how much he enjoyed his work. We will miss him, but I wish him much happiness in his retirement!
Karen Kosters
Very interesting an important work. Recently, in dealing with some old historical records, an archivist told me that there may some doubt about whether digital records could be kept 500 years. No one seemed to know. The Dead Sea scrolls lasted some 2500 years (I think) and are still kept in a "safe place".
Is this something we need to be concerned about? Just wondering!
The question about the longevity of digital records is very real for archivists. First there is the question of ongoing software changes, after several new generations of softwares, files generally became unreadable. This problem now is being resolved, but another question is longevity of digital media. It seems to be accepted that digital files can be stored for about 10 years without degradation, although it may be longer, there is no way to know until the time passes. Copies can of course be made, but with each copy a little bit of the original is lost. Related to this is that all digital systems rely on mechanical devices, which can physically fail, so backups are necessary.
In short, paper-based records will last much longer than digital files. But many files now only exist in digital format, so we have to deal with storing digital files, indexing them, and accessing them. I would not recommend converting existing paper records to digital as a means for preservation.
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