Church Order, General Worship, Visual Arts
CRC Stance on Using the Liturgical Calendar and Colors?
What is the CRC's stance on using the liturgical calendar (and its colors) in worship?
I just read an interview with Scott Hoezee in The Banner about the use, but in the past, it's been labeled "too Catholic." I wish to recognize the fact that these seasons can help teach individuals about the life of the church, and of Jesus and his ministry.
I want to have some banners made using the liturgical colors for our sanctuary but wish to avoid going against church order. Thoughts?
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I have not read the interview; but, it seems the Church Order and Synodical Regulations will not answer your question. But, if your Church is open to worship practices not forbidden by Scripture, this is a vote in favor of the Church Year and Liturgical Colors. If your Church wants another visual reminder that they believe "a holy catholic church," this may be another affirmative vote. Furthermore, if your Church values the use of the Heidelberg Catechism, it takes but a little re-arranging to organize the Lord's Days to unfold in harmony with the Church Year. At more than one congregation in the past, I have seen profitable use of the church year, the common lectionary, the Heidelberg Catechism, and vestments that follow the liturgical colors. As far as I know, the chief critics in the congregations voiced no objections to the practices.
Bryce Mensink, pastor (retired)
Greg, you may find this post with its attachment helpful:
Basically, there is nothing forbidding you to utilize the Christian Year and liturgical colors. But as I often remind folks, they should be seen as tools for our worship and our worship should not be held captive by them. That said they are a great tool for congregations to make sure they tell the full arc of the gospel message and for including thoughtful visual elements that help people worship.
Congregations in the CRC have been utilizing both for many years. You can find many resources in the quarterly journal published by CRC Worship Ministries (and Faith Alive before them). Some of those same resources without music and art can be found at You may also want to keep an eye on "Worship: Calendar of Events and Timely Resources" which also highlights specific resources for the Christian Year.
If you have additional questions feel free to reach out to Worship Ministries staff at [email protected]
-Joyce Borger
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