Online Resources in Defense of the Christian Faith
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Increasingly Christianity is portrayed as nonsensical. Many believe Christianity runs counter to logic and scientific reality. Just as early Christians defended the faith, we are compelled to do the same. Every believer should be ready to give reason for the hope that is within them (I Peter 3:15). This is particularly important given that many of our young people are receiving instruction in secular settings where faith and science are treated as being at odds with one another.
Below is a list of resources in defense of the faith:
Apologetics Videos
When I was in college, there were just a few books on apologetics, notably "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis and "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell. However, in the last decade there has been a surge of apologetics resources, particularly on video. Below is a list of the ones that I have used in an Adult Sunday School class. If you have limited time, I would recommend the first four. If you want to preview them, I've provided some key sections to get the flavor of each presentation. For those with more time, there’s enough here to teach an apologetics class for a year.
If your meeting room has limited or no internet connection, download all Youtube videos (and some others) by using The resulting mp4 videos are always viewable with VLC (free). If you then want to edit out just a clip, use Avidemux (free, windows) to keep just a portion.
Other related resources:
If you want an overview of the Christian worldview, presented in a conversational manner, this is worth a look. Two men, a “skeptic” and an apologist tour London while talking about the major questions of life. The title is “With No Apology.”
Topics discussed include truth, the Bible, Jesus, other faiths, creation and suffering.
Here’s a compilation of short answers to common apologetics questions:
David Instone-Brewer on "Is God a Moral Monster?" Great resource for those who think the OT portrayal of God and Israel was barbaric:
Gary Habermas (Dealing with Emotional Doubt):
Greg Koukl (The Intolerance of Tolerance):
Sean McDowell (Is there Truth?):
Sean McDowell (If God, why evil?):
Sean McDowell (Cross-Examining Evolution):
Frank Turek (Stealing from God):
Craig Hazen (Christ in a world of religions):
Lee Strobel (The Case for Christ):
Dan Wallace (Did the Early Scribes Corrupt the NT?):
John Dickson (Why historians take the gospels seriously):
Hugh Ross (Cosmic reasons to believe):
Other names to investigate: Andrew Wilson, John Lennox, William Lane Craig.
Finally, if you want something a little offbeat and maybe controversial, here is a look at the Shroud of Turin, with some history that you most likely have not heard about before.
Russ Breault on “Shroud Encounter” in 7 short segments:
Found broken links or new resources? Let me know in the comments below!
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Its good to be well equipped with some resources. Here is a really great video that I appreciated from Tim Keller, who was invited to address Google. He was addressing the skeptical and also to promote his latest book.
I also appreciate Keller's "accessible prose"... it reminds me that the goal is never to win the argument but win the heart in order to share the gospel. Much like Koukl, he speaks in an "inoffensive" manner. He also beautifully uses the offensive approach (2 Cor 10:15) by showing the often self-refuting nature of others' belief systems. In addition to Keller, I would highly recommend (at the top of the list) anything written by John Frame, a former student of Van Til and a champion of presuppositional apologetics.
One can also find on youtube some great debates between Doug Wilson and the late Christopher Hitchens. (really good stuff!)
Also, while I'm not familiar with all of the suggested sources, I am aware of Hugh Ross and what he advocates and promotes. Since I'm unaware of the others, do any of them come from a six-day creation belief? It may be wise to state up front, some of the beliefs of these men. Perhaps a quick sentence so as not to mislead anyone. Much more could be said regarding that issue, but suffice it to say, there is much apologetic material supporting textual evidence that is contrary to what Ross believes... and it maintains theological consistency in regards to doctrines on the nature of man (historicity of Adam), the doctrine of sin and the sufficiency of God's Word.
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