How to Survive Apocalyptic Seasons (According to Jesus)

Lets get practical.
As we approach our second Christmas in the COVID world, tensions still run high. There are fears of new viral strains, civil unrest in the ways governments have handled things, and plenty of division amongst friends, families, and communities.
As I reflect back over the last two years, there has been a lot of stress, anxiety, and chaos. There have been moments where life seemed normal and moments when it seemed like the apocalypse was upon us.
And it's in those chaotic and apocalyptic moments where character is revealed true. If I'm honest, I’ve not always liked what was revealed inside me. And I’m sure I’m not alone. The question is, amidst the scrum, scuffle, and chaos: How should we operate?
I’m guessing you’re also looking for a north star, a guiding light, when it comes to surviving the chaos.
Here’s Jesus answer:
Discover who’s in need. Determine how to help.
In Matthew 24, Jesus outlines the fact that every disciple is going to go through seasons of absolute chaos, when it will feel like the world is ending. In Matthew 25 he describes how to survive it. How to handle it. How to co-exist with chaos. Its a 3-part parable series that boils down to this:
In other words: Discover who’s in need. Determine how to help. Then Do it.
Now, here’s why this matter’s so much right now: chaos brings distraction. The temptation this holiday season, as I scroll social media or interact with friends and family, is to spend all of my energy focused on that chaos: mandates, passports, presents, opinions, arguments, frustrations, and festivities—and to be sure, these aren’t unimportant.
But if you’re a follower of Jesus, there is no doubt about where your energy should be going amidst chaos:
Discover who’s in need. Determine how to help. Go do it.
Perhaps this Christmas we can be a reflection of our Savior, who gave up everything for us. Rather than demanding things for ourselves. I wonder what that might that look like for us?
Maybe its going to be intentional about making some financial contributions this holiday season to a local charity. Maybe its choosing to forgo some conversation topics in order to focus on what matters most. Maybe its about using this time to discover a need in your neighborhood that you could determine to do something about for the entire next year.
People are in need of so much right now—food, clothing, tutoring, housing, clean water, meaningful work—who's in need and how can we help?
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Thanks for this! There's an excellent book on the same theme drawing on a Reformed lens and the work of Charles Taylor by Robert Joustra and Alissa Wilkinson called How to Survive the Apocalypse. Worth a read, particularly for those into pop culture, political science, and deep ponderous philosophy. :)
I'd not heard of that, thanks Anthony. And thanks for reading!
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