The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from darkness.—Genesis 1: 2 to 4
Walking along the famous Boracay Beach in the Philippines made me realize that my life is similar to the waves; rolling on the shore unceasingly, kissing the white sand, and going back. Sometimes it comes so quietly, sometimes it comes flashing so loud, yet it doesn't go anywhere, not even accomplishing anything.
Watching and feeling the waves while collecting shells on the shore pinned me to see my life without direction, sometimes I come so low, sometimes I come so high; it exists, yet missing its purpose. My life just keeps on following the waves—this has been the darkness of my life.
Many people come to me for advice. I have met and encountered a lot of people from all walks of life, young and old, rich and poor, sick and healthy, yet there is a thing I am certain of: everybody needs the light, and that is Jesus Christ.
Sadly people are drowning in the pit of darkness. Most of them are comfortable in it, yet they have no peace of mind. They are happy and confident on the outside but depressed, troubled, broken, and raging inside. On the flip side, some are trading their anguish, failures, and sorrows with their material possessions in desperation to have the light, yet moving towards misguided directions. Deep within the soul is darkness crying out for help.
As we live our lives and experience the goodness of life, how can we have the light? Like the beginning of the world, to have a light is to be aware that we are in darkness; accept that we need light. Evaluate the truth, and make the decision to be in the light, because the light never leaves, we are surrounded by the light, waiting to be noticed and invited.
I believe everyone experiences the darkness of life, others are still in it, while others are being freed. The world before the light is lacking in order. In fact, it was formless and void. Looking inwardly, my life is the same as the world before I met Christ. How about you? What is darkness in your life? Do you have the Light? Do you want to have and live with the Light? Will you decide to journey with the Light? Do you know the Light? He is Jesus Christ, the source of every goodness of life.
Your take away: Follow Christ and you shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life (John 8:12). Take the power back, leave darkness; have the light!
Resources: Life Application Study Bible (NASB) Zondervan
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