Getting off to a Great Start: Welcoming Your New Pastor
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A few months ago a church elder emailed Pastor Church Resources to ask if we had any advice for their church on how to welcome their new pastor. What a wonderful question!
It’s the kind of question that reveals good will, good will that helps to get a ministry relationship off to a great start. Gestures of welcome and hospitality live long in the memory of any pastor, and those memories provide encouragement for later on, when there are times of ministry challenge.
The elder’s question immediately brought to my mind two experiences. At the start of my second charge a thoughtful church leader provided me with a list of people that he thought I should get to know. The people on the list were not current leaders or office bearers. However, they were all people to whom the church historically looked for anchor and wisdom. This is not a precise category, and sometimes unelected voices in a congregation have too much influence. However, the conversations that I had with the people on that list helped me to get up to speed quickly on the character and ethos of the congregation. And by following up on that list I helped the church to know that I was interested in knowing people rather than just fulfilling ministry functions.
The second experience that came to mind was related to my first charge. As I was talking with the church about a possible call I told the council, tongue in cheek, that I would be happy living wherever I could have the three "G"s: Grass (a lawn), a garage, and a grill. My wife and I were living in a downtown apartment at the time and didn't have any of those things. More importantly, these things symbolized for us a long-anticipated shift from student life to a more settled life. Well, the parsonage that we moved into had plenty of grass. That's one. It also had a huge garage. That's two. And when I hit the button on the garage door opener for the first time, the door came up to reveal a brand new gas grill with a big, red bow on it. That's three. What fun! That gesture set the tone for a wonderful ministry relationship.
As my colleagues and I pooled our thoughts in response to the elder’s question we came up with a few things that might be helpful to congregations welcoming new pastors:
One final thing to mention is this: As you anticipate the arrival of a new pastor simply ask him or her what he or she needs in order to get a great start. You might be surprised by what your new pastor is hoping for that you are not thinking about. Just ask!
Maybe this seems like a lot of effort and investment in a pastor. But this is an important relationship. As we like to say at Pastor Church Resources, in the heart of every pastor should be the flourishing of the congregation and in the heart of every congregation should be the flourishing of the pastor.
The elder that I mentioned earlier must have been able to mobilize the congregation for providing a welcome to their new pastor because I just heard from their new pastor! He informed me that both the church and the wider community have given him encouragement in his calling. That sounds like a great ministry partnership in the making!
Disability Concerns, Hospitality
Hospitality, Biblical Justice
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It is indeed a great question -- How do we properly welcome a new pastor?
Something else suddenly springs to mind: How does the church and council prepare itself before it even contemplates calling a pastor?
When a job relocation caused my family and I to move to a new town, we ended up renting the parsonage because the recently retired pastor had just moved out. New families -- especially with a gaggle of girls -- were a rare occurrence in the church so we were warmly received.
I was almost immediately elected elder and -- being a fresh face -- became chair of council. The council was blessed with several wise men, both young and old. Council determined that, before they consider calling their next pastor, they needed to review their relationships with past pastors. Over the next six months or so, council ended up writing letters of confession to their former pastors; confessing how badly they had treated them and in some cases virtually drove them out of town.
It was an incredible lesson in grace as I observed these veteran elders relive some of those painful moments in their past.
Once those letters were sent off, council was ready to deal with more pertinent issues at hand: church growth and the need to either expand their existing building or build an entirely new structure. They decided to relocate and build a brand new church. They rallied the congregation, hundreds volunteered to help with construction, and when it was all done, council declared that they were ready to call their next pastor.
Writing letters of confession to former pastors; it was like an emotional/spiritual house-cleaning. Perhaps more like "taking out the garbage" before starting afresh.
From a church's perspective, it's only once past sins have been acknowledged that they can truly welcome their new pastor, determined to begin afresh and not to repeat history.
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