Biblical Justice, Ministry in Canada
New Bill (Bill 89) Passed in Ontario Takes Away the Rights of Christian Parents

I am Canadian and last week a new bill was passed in Ontario which adds 'gender identity' and 'gender expression' to what is considered 'in the best interests of the child'. It also removes the 'religious faith a child is being raised in' as a matter that is to be considered. It also will affect Christian families from being able to foster and/or adopt if they do not agree with the thought that 'gender varies independent of sex'.
I wanted to make other Christians aware of this and ask specifically for prayer, but also for support for the petition that had been started.
I often wonder where the church is in all of this. We need to act with compassion, but we still need to defend every inerrant word of Scripture. God has called us to protect the covenant family.
I have included a few links below regarding this topic.
This link is a recent news story on it.
This link has a lawyer explaining what this new bill means (this is from early 2017, prior to the bill being passed last week).
This link includes the new bill.
This link includes the petition to repeal this new bill.
As well, the same liberal leader has also introduced a very 'radical Sex Ed Curriculum'.
I have grown up in the CRC and am aware that the issue of homosexuality has come up at Synod in the past few years. I also wanted to encourage fellow Christians to read this article/consider these questions by Pastor Kevin DeYoung.
Faith Nurture, Biblical Justice
Ministry in Canada, Biblical Justice
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I would urge some caution, Michelle, in light of some of the CRC's prior statements which may or may not line up with the links you provided.
To my knowledge, the CRC hasn't developed a 'position statement' on gender identity issues. But it has on the issue of homosexuality and even 45 years ago the 1973 report it approved said:
"It is important to understand that homosexuality is not the result of any conscious choice or decision on the part of the person to be homosexual."
And the CRC position statement goes on to say:
"Persons of same-sex attraction should not be denied community acceptance solely because of their sexual orientation and should be wholeheartedly received by the church and given loving support and encouragement. Christian homosexuals, like all Christians, are called to discipleship, holy obedience, and the use of their gifts in the cause of the kingdom. Opportunities to serve within the offices and the life of the congregation should be afforded to them as to heterosexual Christians."
If synod came to that conclusion about homosexuality 45 years ago, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes to the same conclusion about gender identity when that is studied.
We may soon find out, because Synod 2016 has appointed a study committee to "articulate a foundation-laying biblical theology of human sexuality that pays particular attention to biblical conceptions of gender and sexuality." So we can look forward to further clarity from that report.
But it's noteable that synod, in the makeup of the study committee, said it wanted the committee to include a gender dysphoric person. And all committee members are to adhere to the CRC's biblical view of marriage. So, even in forming the committee, it seems that synod doesn't view those two things as incompatible. See:
I hope these CRCNA references are helpful.
Michelle has some good points. Lets keep in mind that since the decisions at 1973 Synod science has done plenty of research and the world has changed in extreme ways regarding these issues. Imagine what our grandparents would have thought in 1973 if the world was as it is now, with regards to LGBTQ rights, ideas, etc. Just look around as you walk downtown and other parts of the community.
Back then, what would have been done and said re: Drag Queen story hours, for example, in 1973? Even in 1999. Now people are afraid to speak out, even if they disagree.
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