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The U.S administration in 2023 introduced a new refugee resettlement program called Welcome Corps. Welcome Corps is a public-private sponsorship program that allows everyday Americans to resettle refugees. It offers refugees a chance to rebuild their lives in safety and helps us live out our biblical call to welcome the stranger as found in Matthew 25. This legal pathway operates alongside existing resettlement opportunities, expanding opportunities to welcome those fleeing war and persecution. Canada has been using a Private Sponsorship model for decades, and many churches in Canada report experiencing success through this model.

Thrive is excited to continue in this missional work and further the CRC’s longstanding commitment and tradition of welcoming refugees—fellow image bearers of Christ. We’ve partnered with Exodus World Service, an accredited Private Sponsor Organization that mobilizes the Christian community to welcome and befriend refugees. They walk with you every step of the sponsorship process—from educating your congregation, mobilizing your group, submitting your application, and simply being a constant guide throughout the entire sponsorship period.

With this new program come a few frequently asked questions—we’ve got you covered!

To learn more about this opportunity and how you, your small group or congregation can get started, visit our resource page for more information and answers to your frequently asked questions. You can also email Thrive staff at [email protected] to request more details and next steps.

As you prayerfully consider this opportunity for yourself and/or congregation, see the story of a church resettling Luis, a persecuted pastor, and his family here for additional inspiration.

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