Resources for Disability Week and Disability Sunday 2021

The Reformed Church in America encourages churches to celebrate Disability Sunday on October 10 and the Christian Reformed Church on October 17.
We encourage all churches to recognize this Sunday as a time to demonstrate as a community that all members of their congregation are valued and that every person was created in God's image and has unique gifts that they can offer the church.
Our Theme for 2021
This year, our theme is: Who's missing in my church?
The goal of Disability Concerns is to foster churches where "everybody belongs and everybody serves." Said another way, we long to see within the church the full participation of all people with disabilities, and we long for the church to fully participate in the lives of people with disabilities. This grand vision applies to all generations.
Throughout North American culture, people 30 years old and under have grown up expecting that public spaces and institutions will be accessible in every way. Laws enacted in the United States and Canada since the 1990s (and earlier) have required accessible environments for facilities, programs, schools, and more. Younger generations have known accessibility to be a birthright. They expect that people on the margins will be fully welcomed, even in environments that were not built or designed for full accessibility.
However, in many instances, accessible design has not been required for churches. Creating spaces of welcome for a minority of people who live with disabilities often becomes a low priority. But younger generations accustomed to access notice this disparity. When accessibility becomes optional for churches, the gap can become a chasm for young people who are accustomed to a world where full inclusion and belonging are the norm. Have you asked yourself, "Who's missing in my church?"
Join the conversation here:
Preparing for Disability Awareness Sunday with your Church
Celebrating Disability Awareness Sunday with your Church
Ideas to celebrate disability week include these:
Additional Resources:
Faith Nurture, Disability Concerns
General Planning Resources, Disability Concerns
Disability Concerns
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This sounds like a wonderful inclusive idea. I doubt though that many churches will actually acknowledge it. The question asked is Who’s missing in my church? I can think of one person and he is my son and he isn’t missed. When I used to bring it up I was told to check out another church (not a CRC church) that had a program for kids like mine.
oh, I am so sorry. That is so hurtful when your son is made in God's image and deserves a space in any church! Unfortunately I do hear this often from families connected to our ministry. However, I also here stories of how some churches do understand that everybody belongs! We are in the middle of a series for the month of October. Our first session was this past Thursday and the conversation on belonging came up and our guest speaker, Cara, told a wonderful story of inclusion in her church. Her story might give you a bit of hope on your journey to find a space where your son is valued for exactly how God made him. Here is the link to listen: Check back each week for another session. I hope they encourage you.
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