Various barriers prevent people with disabilities from full and effective participation in society and in the church.
Churches that want to break down these barriers and open ministry to and with people with disabilities need to take two paths to inclusion. Both are essential for the removal of barriers, and for moving toward full and effective participation of people with disabilities in church life. These paths are not steps, as if one must be traveled before the other. A church can start with either one, but must travel both if they are serious about including people with disabilities in their life and ministry.
The leadership of a congregation must decide that inclusion will be a priority in their congregation. Not only must leaders have a heart commitment to full inclusion, but also the members of the congregation must desire it. Everybody in the congregation must make the effort to begin removing barriers to participation. The congregation needs to think about and begin to address specific barriers that people with disabilities may encounter: architectural, communication, and attitude. As congregations consider changes, they will need to consider the costs of these changes in relation to their resources. Then they need to identify specific goals and begin working on them. Simple things a church can do include
Many churches become interested in inclusion because someone with a disability is born into or starts worshiping with the congregation. They begin to ask questions of the individual and perhaps his or her family. What supports do you need that the church can help with? What barriers to participation do you encounter here? Are there issues with our building, our communication, our programs, our attitudes that keep you from full participation in ministry? What are your gifts and how can we help you use them fully in the life of the congregation? Simple steps toward greater inclusion of individuals include
Disability Concerns has a variety of resources to assist churches in both the general and specific inclusion of people with disabilities. Our poster, 30 Things You Can Do to Be Hospitable to People with Disabilities, contains many simple, practical ideas. Our Handbook for Disability Advocates goes into much more depth and is also available from Faith Alive Christian Resources.
General Planning Resources, Disability Concerns
General Planning Resources, Disability Concerns
Disability Concerns
Disability Concerns, Intergenerational Ministry
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I have a minor 'disability' and applaud this two paths approach. It would be beneficial for non-disabled people to learn/discuss the spiritual and psychological 'place' in their minds that sometimes 'upsets' them when faced with interacting with people they perceive and want to respond to as 'disabled.'
Great to hear from you. I hope you are doing well.
Have you done this before? It seems that you are picturing a group of people, some disabled and some nondisabled, with the disabled people sharing their stories and the nondisabled reflecting and interacting about those stories. Do I have that right? Sounds like it would be an excellent time of learning and growth for all.
I've done this kind of interaction before in anti-racism workshops in which people of color share their stories and the people from the dominant culture (the white people) listen and interact. It was very helpful to me as a white person to listen and learn.
Thank you for your response and question. You are fairly on point in understanding my post.
Actually I am referring to a spirit state of the non'disabled' of experiencing a change of their conciousness and approach to so called disabled people.
Yes 'disabled' people have that label put on them and too often when seeking to participate fully in human experience, categorization and sympathy cloud the hearing and understanding of well meaning 'nondisabled.'
Your other mention of antiracism workshops and story sharing has been a bane to living and worshiping as one in Christ. Again 'story' does not capture the essence of experience and spirit.
Yet I have learned the hard way that 'story sharing' is an absolution experience not healing the story teller rather giving the partial hearer a sense of absolution just because one listened.
So in this case, absolution would be a feeling of the listener: "I'm absolved of my participation in ableism and/or racism because I have (partially) listened to this other person." I'm hearing your say that the story sharing is more helpful in assuaging the conscience of the listener than in bringing about a deeper relationship between listeners and speaker.
Like you, I wish we could dispense with language of disabled and non-disabled. At the very least, I myself should be careful never to talk about disabled people, but instead use language like "people with disabilities." But even then, the term "disabilities" labels people resulting in "categorization and sympathy" as you say.
Loving as Christ taught us to love is so difficult. You are talking about the huge challenges in people developing real understanding of each other, and the exclusion of some people from participating "fully in human experience." But I would hope that people in churches (and society) will not say, "It's too difficult, so why try at all?" My work as director of Disability Concerns is motivated by the hope that real change for the better can happen in church communities.
Have you ever experienced a situation in which people without disabilities have experienced change in their consciousness and approach to people with disabilities? Or to put it another way, have you ever seen some barriers to participating fully in human experience broken, with greater relationship and participation as a result?
Yes I have experienced change for the better in other people sometimes and in my own life view. Only with God helping me/us can fundamental world/people view change. I believe with all my heart that with pray, especially for Wisdom and Patience all things are possible in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Yes, I pray that God will keep changing me too.
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