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Prepare yourself for a cultural voyage that embraces community, culinary delights, and the essence of heritage! Brace yourself, for we are about to unveil a special gift for YOU, in honor of National Indigenous Peoples Day!

Let me guide you through a heartwarming journey that showcases the beauty of cultural exchange and the joy found in shared traditions. Our tale begins in the early 1600s when the Haudenosaunee extended a warm invitation to Dutch settlers, laying the foundation for a unique bond under the Two-Row Wampum covenant/treaty.

One of the delightful customs born from this harmonious coexistence was the celebration of Nieuwjaar, a Dutch holiday brimming with laughter, treats, and camaraderie. Imagine waking up on New Year's Day to the aroma of deep-fried doughnuts called oliebollen and the joyful exclamations of "New Yah! New Yah!" as children eagerly shared homemade delights with neighbors.

Fast forward to today, where we continue to cherish this spirit of unity and celebration through ongoing Nó :ya festivities in communities like Six Nations. It serves as a beautiful reminder of how shared experiences around food and traditions can bridge cultures and foster understanding.

Now, for the thrilling part— in celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21st, we are thrilled to present you with five mouthwatering indigenous recipes! Yes, you heard that right.

Prepare to tantalize your taste buds with flavors passed down through generations, from hearty soups to irresistible desserts. These recipes aren't just about ingredients; they embody stories, heritage, and the power of culinary traditions to unite us all.

Food occupies a special place in our hearts—it's where laughter, stories, and cherished memories are born. That's why we wish to express our gratitude to all our wonderful partners by gifting you these recipes as a token of appreciation when you make a donation of any size to help us reach our mid-year $20,000 goal for our Indigenous Ministries.

So, what are you waiting for? Don your apron, support your favourite Indigenous Ministry, download your recipes, and join us in celebrating this special day with delectable dishes that bring us closer as a community.

And don't forget to spread the joy! Share this blog post with your loved ones, friends, and colleagues so they too can partake in this celebration. Let's transform this National Indigenous Peoples Day into a feast of flavours and friendship!

Happy cooking, happy sharing, and a joyful celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21, 2024!

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Written by the CRC’s Senior Leader for Indigenous Justice and Reconciliation, Adrian Jacobs, and Roshani Morton, Director of Advancement.


Would love to make a donation and obtain the recipes; any way this can be shared in the US as well? Looks like it's not possible to enter a US address.

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