Emotional, Psychological, and Spiritual Abuse Awareness: Resources
The booklet: Emotional Abuse is a guide that answers inumerable questions on the often confusing topic of emotional abuse, including: what the Bible says about it and how a church can respond (available for $1.00 US or 1.25 CDN). Download the PDF or view in the CRC Digital Library.
Breaking Free: What I've Learned About Spiritual Abuse: A real life example blog from Barbara Milligan about her and her husband’s spiritual abuse. She talks about how she moves forward and some important things to remember when dealing with spiritual abuse.
Emotional Abuse: At a Glance: An article from NSPCC that explains emotional abuse (specifically in children) and directs readers towards a few resources and actions they can take if they are experiencing abuse or know someone being abused.
Focus on the Family: Healing the Wounds of Emotional Abuse: a Focus on the Family article by Mary J. Yerkes that gives helpful steps in the healing process of one who has experienced emotional abuse.
Leslie Vernick: Leslie, an experienced counselor and author offers biblical solutions for responding to emotional abuse in relationships and for living the life that God intended for us.
Spiritual Abuse: Unspoken Crisis: a blog by Shawn Nelson that gives information about spiritual abuse, some common misconceptions, the roles people play when it comes to spiritual abuse, and how we can help.
Warning Signs of Spiritual Abuse: An article from the Christian Broadcasting Network gives potential warning signs of spiritual abuse.
The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse: a book by David Johnson and Jeff VanVonderen about recognizing and escaping spiritual manipulation and false spiritual authority. Available for purchase here at Christian Book or on Amazon here.
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