Sexual Abuse Awareness: Resources

Bulletin Insert/Flyer
Order our flyer/bulletin insert for sexual abuse awareness here called "Healing Path" from Faith Alive. You can also download a pdf copy here.
This bulletin insert/flyer for Safe Church Ministry includes a description of how abuse victims and offenders can experience justice and mercy, which can lead to healing.
Video Resources
Amazed by His Grace—Brooke's Story: a video resource.
It’s on Us: Watch the Videos: It’s on Us is an organization focused o n ending sexual assault on college campuses. Videos are not their only resource.
Helpful Websites/Resources
Worship resources addressing sexual abuse from our sisters in the Reformed Church in America (RCA)
Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada – A resource called Restore: Ending Violence Against Women provides a wealth of resources on this important topic.
Not Alone: This web resource includes information for students, schools, and anyone interested in finding resources on how to respond and prevent sexual assault.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network): RAINN is one of America’s largest anti-sexual violence organizations, and would be especially helpful as a resource for sexual assault survivors and their loved ones. The website includes an online hotline and database of local counseling centers and a helpful general resource page.
The Student and Campus Safety Guide from Affordable Colleges Online, includes information and links to resources about sexual violence on campus including, what to do if you are sexually assaulted and precautions to consider.
Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW): Based in Van Couver, BC, WAVAW envisions a society where all women are free of violence.
Recommended Books
Joining Forces: Empowering Male Survivors to Thrive Psychologist Howard Fradkin bases this resource on his work with male survivors of sexual abuse, and his experiences as a survivor, to offer other abuse victims information, exercises, and tools for healing and recovery.
Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders (2004) by Anna Salter. Draws from the stories of offenders to help dispel myths about what predators are like, who they target, and enlighten why they are rarely caught.
Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault (2011) by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb. Written to survivors of abuse, but would be helpful for Christian pastors and counselors as well.
Safe Church, Leadership Development
Safe Church
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