Can deacons encourage and support each other by forming pairs for study and motivation?
Do you feel like nothing much is happening among the deacons at your church? If you answer Yes, does this bother you?
I have a very simple idea.
Would it be possible for two deacons to agree to meet regularly for prayer, for study of diaconal Bible themes, and for mutual encouragement? I wonder what God would do through a couple of deacons who were committed to help each other grow and discern God's will for them in their role as deacons.
What if you were praying regularly with a prayer partner for the deacons of your church? What if you told your pastor that you were going to begin doing this, and that you hoped that your pastor would just ask you once a month how it's going....
Let's suppose that about one-third of CRC congregations had such a pair - that would be about 300 pairs, or 600 deacons. Reminds me of a Bible story. Gideon's deacons. What dream might God send you?
What will happen this summer as synod considers the overture on deacons? Are deacons praying about it daily between now and June?
I'd like to imagine that deacons practicing the disciplines of prayer and study and discernment together could open some doors for God to work in fresh ways though the CRC diaconate.
Could you imagine that with me? And pray for it too?
Deacons, Elders
Church Renewal, Deacons
Deacons, Ministry in Canada
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I was interested to read this article, but had no knowledge of the referenced overture on deacons.
For reference, I believe this author is referring to Overture 16: Appoint a Task Force to Revise the Church Order Articles Related to the Office of Deacon which may be found beginning on page 678 of the Agenda for Synod 2010, a copy of which can be accessed from this page:
Please update if that is not the correct reference.
Rebecca, you are right, and thanks for finding the reference. Sorry I neglected to include that!
Does anyone know what Synod did with the overture on deacons? It was not reported on in the daily e-mail updates from CRC Communications.
I was wondering about that, too.
Today I heard from one of the delegates who attended Synod that this overture was approved by Synod.
Yes. Terry W, you are the first to post the good news - Synod said Yes to the request to set up a task force to study the office of deacon. According to the denominational staff, suggestions are already beginning to come in for persons to serve on that task force. Along with many other important decisions on justice-related matters, this decision is another reason to thank God for the work of Synod 2010.
Great news! Thanks for letting us know!
I was trying to listen to the synod feeds last week to see what was going to be decided about this...but you only have so much time to do that...so I'm glad that other people were watching to see what happened.
The potential of a committee like this is immense. I'm glad it was passed.
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