We've been busy adding new features. Well, more accurately, Chris - our web developer - has been busy adding new features.
Maybe you've imagined a team of programmers behind the scenes making this Network website happen. Nope. It's just Chris working one day per week for The Network. But he's getting a lot done in that one day.
A couple of weeks ago we launched the 'am I subscribed?' feature. A few days ago we launched our expanded Top 10 listing. And last night we introduced another new feature....a profile progress meter.
You may have already noticed it. The meter appears on most pages (top of the right sidebar) and looks like this:
...and links to a page with 8 key steps to becoming an active participant on The Network - everything from filling out your user profile to posting your very first comment. A handy checklist, we think.
We also hope it'll encourage active participation in the form of posting questions and comments. Social websites like The Network are all about the community - YOU create the value by interacting with each other, sharing your thoughts, ideas, experiences, and questions.
We've already had thousands of comments and discussion topics added by our users since launching 9 months ago. But we also know that many people read without posting (as they say in talk radio: "long-time listener, first-time caller").
Hey, it's natural and there are plenty of sites where I do the same thing. But we hope the progress meter will serve as a little reminder that The Network isn't a spectator sport. The value increases exponentially with each new person that goes from reading to participating.
We hope you like this new feature. And keep the suggestions coming...this site is 'always reforming'.
My profile progress meter shows I'm at 8 of 8 steps completed :-) What about you?
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"Always reforming". Love it! Good one. :)
Hmmm, always reforming? I rather like to say always changing, my parents worshipped different than their parents (perhaps just a little), we are worshipping different than my parents, (perhaps quite a bit more), our youth is or want to worship different than us, (quite a bit more). Things are changing all the time, if we like or accept it or not. The "Reformation" addressed a great wrong in the church, I don't think that we, the older and/or previous generation was wrong in the way we worship(ped) and therefor don't need to "Reform" to straighten a terrible wrong. (am I nitpicking?).
Well, I would not want to accuse anyone of nitpicking. What you write makes a lot of sense. I just thought it was a cute, funny little quip -- not reading anything deep into it, it just made me smile.
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