Joining in Prayer After Quebec City Mosque Attack
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Dear Canadian churches,
Like you, I was shocked and saddened when I heard about the deadly attack that took place on Sunday night during evening prayers at a mosque in Quebec City. While the details of the attack and the motivations behind it are not yet known, we do know that six people were killed and several more were injured. We also know that it has deeply shaken up the Canadian Muslim community and our country as a whole. It has also received notice in the broader international community.
This appears to have been an act of hate and prejudice. I just can’t fathom that. Hate crimes like this should not happen in Canada. Our country is known as a land of peace and politeness. Canadians taking time out of their busy weeks to gather as community to worship should be able to trust that they can do so in peace and safety. It wounds me to the core to think that reality isn’t true.
As I reflect on these unfolding events, I find comfort in our Contemporary Testimony: Our World Belongs to God. This testimony reminds us that “all spheres of life…bear the wounds of our rebellion. Sin is present everywhere – in pride of race, arrogance of nations, and abuse of the weak and helpless.”
It also reminds us that in a world of death, hurt, and hopelessness, “God has not abandoned the work of his hands: our Maker preserves this world, sending seasons, sun and rain, upholding all creatures, renewing the earth, promising a Savior, guiding all things to their purpose.”
Please join me in turning the events of this weekend over to God who is in control. Pray for those who are grieving and for those who live in fear of another attack. Please also pray for our country. Pray that we will all stand in solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters, and that we will recommit ourselves to opposing hate and prejudice so that instances like this will not happen again.
Your partner in ministry,
Rev. Darren Roorda
Canadian Ministries Director
Ministry in Canada, Biblical Justice
Church Communications, Ministry in Canada
Ministry in Canada
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Here's another interesting CRC response to this crisis. This one was written by CRC pastor, Bruce Adema, and first appeared in the Hamilton Spectator:
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