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Gentle Abraham Kuyper Translation Friends:

I'm providing this post to provide you a heads-up that the Acton Institute is planning a Book Panel and Discussion on the 6th volume of the Kuyper translation series titled On Islam. Note: This interesting volume was edited by James Bratt, retired Calvin College history professor. The volume was translated by Jan Van Vliet, Dordt College economics professor. Doug Howard, Calvin College history professor and expert in Ottoman Empire history, did the annotations and provided an introductory essay. Additional essays for the volume were provided by George Harinck, Professor at the VU, and Diane Obenchain, Intercultural Studies Professor at Fuller Seminary.

The time, place, and date we've selected is: 2:00 to 4:00 pm, the Acton Institute in Grand Rapids, MI, Thursday, Feb 15, 2018.  

We think you will be interested in this important discussion. Hence, we invite you to save the date. And, as we move forward in the planning process for this event, we will be posting additional detail.

On Islam will first be available from the publisher January, 2018. This anthology collects the parts of Kuyper’s writings regarding his numerous encounters with Muslims, as well as his reflections on Islam, found in his two volume travelogue titled Around the Old World-Sea. It aims to show how an outstanding thinker from a century ago spoke to a now-pressing issue in our own age: how Christians ought to regard Islam and its many adherents in all their variety.

One scholar who has read the typeset copy provides the following endorsement blurb: “It would be sufficient to commend this volume by saying that it brings to the world the writings on Islam of this extraordinary Christian statesman and intellectual, who treats this great world religion with respect, sensitivity, admiration, and a traveler’s insight, all the while remaining rooted solidly in his deep Christian faith. But it is more: a model of engagement for our world, in which the relationship between Christianity and Islam is critical for the global future. The volume will be invaluable for the Christian engaged with Muslims but also for anyone interested in peace and productive friendship between the world's great religions.”

Daniel Philpott, Professor of Political Science, the University of Notre Dame

Please reserve the date. And, as appropriate, please share this information widely with your colleagues and friends. We hope to see many of you in attendance!


Dr. Mel Flikkema

Kuyper Translation Society Secretariat

Acton Institute Senior Advisor


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