Could Prison Ministry Be Causing a Decline in Crime?
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The Washington Post theories of why crime is declining include tougher policing, abortion and even the elimination of lead in gasoline and paint. In his post on Think Christian, H. David Schuringa states that in the past 20 years while Crossroad Bible Institute has flourished, crime rates have seen a downward trend. Take a look at "Could This Be Partly Why Crime is in Decline?" Is it possible that church engagement with prison ministry could be a better solution to crime than we ever imagined?
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I am a member of a Kairos Prison Ministry Team, currently holding weekends and reunions with residents in a federal prison in Ontario. Kairos is operating in 350 prisons around the world. Kairos has published statisitics that show the rate of repeat offenders is reduced by 50% for those particpating in a "Kairos Weekend". The would mean that the rate of repeat offenders for Kairos is about 35%.
When reflecting on this recently, I looked back over 15 years of personal prsion ministry (Bible studies), I probably ministered to about 500 men during that time. Those residents also attended other Bible stuides and Christian ministries. I can count on two hands the number of offenders I have seen come back. I also attend their chapel service every sunday evening.
The most effective method of ministry has to be when somone takes the time to sit with another person and to share their faith and understading of the Gospel and who Jesus is. You have to build a deliberate relationship built of trust, not judging. You need to be consistent. If you say you will be there, be there. Inmates have been betrayed and disappointed by people all their lives.
In addition, I have been the one most blessed from the interactions.
I see inmates who particpate in Crossroad Bible Study. they are very dedicated to the studies. I have no doubt that Crossroad adds to the rehabilitation of inmates. Now we need circles / groups outside willing to walk with those returning to a hostile environment as an ex-con.
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