The Bible Made Simple
I hate to be negative but in almost 50 years of ministry I have seen the alarming trend that biblical ignorance is epidemic within the organized church (trans denominational) and pandemic outside the church. God wants people to know Him. He does not want humans to be destroyed because they lack knowledge about Him. Many people think the Bible is a good book, some read it, yet most do not have an understanding of what its 66 books are all about. Most cannot fit the books together into one main story. Yet, the Bible is exactly that: one main story with one main character-Jesus. When people grasp that truth, they read and understand the Bible better and experience God in richer measures.
This is my experience since God led me to write the book - God's Plan: Eliminate Biblical Ignorance. Retired Chairman of the Board for Focus on the Family, General Patrick Caruana stated, "In the years as a follower of Jesus one of the comments I have frequently heard is, 'I would read the Bible more if I could just understand the theme or message of the book.' Well, that challenge has been wonderfully solved. Using the very scriptures that previously were a mystery to many who desire to understand what God is saying in His Word, Ren creates a path, which transforms the mystery into an exciting revelation ready to be applied to every reader's personal life. I most enthusiastically encourage all to read "God's Plan: Eliminate Biblical Ignorance."
This book is also recommended by the Prayer Team for CityFest (the Luis Palau crusade planned for September 8,9, 2018 in Grand Rapids) as a possible follow up to the crusade for those who responded to the messages.
I share this book as a resource for anyone who wants to know and experience God.
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