Tuning in to Learn Communication From the Bible

When Duranno Publishing asked Grace Paek to speak on communications, she said no. After all, this was not her field—she said “I do small groups, not communications.” The next year, a TV show asked her to speak on communications, and she turned them down as well. After that, another publication asked her to write a book on communications; she said no again. When a fourth call came, this time from Korean Gospel Broadcasting Co., Grace started to wonder. “Let me pray about it,” she told them.
After praying for six months, she received another call from them: they were still interested. Grace realized that the company knew she hadn’t formally studied communications but instead wanted her insight on what we can learn about communication from the Bible. She decided to give the radio program a chance, and started her segment in April 2015. After two months, so much positive feedback had come in that her time was moved up to Friday morning and she was given her own 15-minute segment called “Learning Communication Wisdom from the Bible.”
Every Friday now, at 9:45 am PT on KGBC 1190 AM, Grace speaks about how God communicates in a particular passage of Scripture and what we can learn from this passage about how to communicate in our own lives. She gives practical examples from daily life as well, to help her listeners live out what they learn. These listeners include working parents on their commute, stay-at-home moms, pastors, and pastors’ wives. Listeners also tune in from Korea and Canada, or listen from anywhere in the world on the KGBN app.
An episode on John 8 was one of Grace’s favorites. In this passage, Jesus speaks with the woman caught in adultery. Instead of asking all the questions about her past that we might have wanted to ask, Jesus simply asks the question that the woman can answer at the moment, the question that shows her that she is forgiven: “Where are they? Has no one condemned you?” From Jesus’ example, Grace talked about how parents might communicate with their children after they’ve done something really wrong.
One of the radio segment’s unexpected joys for Grace is that it gives her a venue in which to introduce the Coffee Break ministry. Each week before her segment, the radio company announces Grace’s name along with a mention of Coffee Break. This has led to a lot of interest from pastors, as well as from other listeners who want to learn more about Coffee Break and whether they can join a Coffee Break small group. Many women have also called or emailed to tell Grace how they have experienced healing through her radio segment.
All of this reminds Grace of how when she first became a Christian, she simply offered up to the Lord her pen, her Bible, and her voice. She didn’t feel like she had very much to offer, but now she can see how God is working through her in ways she never expected.
Global Coffee Break
Global Coffee Break, Church Planting
Global Coffee Break, Small Groups
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