Looking for Special Brunch Ideas

Hi, my name is Michelle Hoyt and I am a director and small group leader for Coffee Break in South Windsor, Connecticut. We have about 40 ladies attending our study on Thursday mornings. I am a busy mom with a part time job and am trying to come up with ideas for our special Christmas brunch we always hold on our last meeting in mid-December. We have a shoestring budget. One year we did a little skit which I found on our denominational website ... it went over well. Last year we were blessed to have a woman in our church who has a strong music and encouragement ministry come out with a new CD of praise music which she played samples of and spoke of her process of receiving and writing the music and themes from God. Last spring we had a brunch in which we showed the resurrection portion of the DVD The Easter Experience after finishing a study on the Book of John ... a perfect end.
We are now studying The Holy Spirit, and will be ending this year with a 2 week study on Christmas from the book of Isaiah.
I don't know if this forum is really supposed to be used in this way to share ideas like this, if not, I'm sorry ... any ideas ladies???
Thanks, and God bless you in your ministry
Michelle Hoyt
Global Coffee Break
Global Coffee Break, Church Planting
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Hi Michelle,
I am the coordinator for our Coffee Break ministry in Langley, BC, Canada. I find it hard every year to come up with an idea for our year end socials too. We do a Christmas one and another one at the end of the year in the spring. We have done crafts of some kind in the past, but we found that most crafts took too much time (or money!) We realized after a while that most of the women simply enjoyed being together and having time to fellowship. Each week they comment on how they wished they had more time for this. We do want the time to be more than just that though, so usually we ask the women to consider sharing what they learned from their book study this year and we are always encouraged by that. We read the Christmas story, share a shorter devotional and eat (who doesn't like that part?!)
God bless you in your ministry. I admire the fact that you are the director and a small group leader. I only do one of those at a time!
Hi Michelle,
Yes, you should definately be posting these questions - that's the idea! We want this to be a place to share ideas and resources.
I connected with a Coffee Break group today, who shared a "giving" idea for Christmas. In a couple of weeks, they will draw names for Christmas for a secret gift, but the gift is meant to be a gift of self. They are not encouraging purchased gifts, but rather a gift of your talent or time. Some suggestions shared were to make a gift (cards, knitting, baking, etc.) or to give the gift of time - offer babysitting, take someone out for coffee, visit someone. Women were challenged to give a gift that flows out of who you are, rather than feeling the need to purchase a gift. On their special Christmas celebration, they will give these gifts, and share together over coffee and treats.
Another thought might be to involve your women in a service project, for half the morning; finish with your brunch and social time. Serving others will grow your heart!
You might consider some of these ideas:
- have everyone bring some personal care items for the homeless, and put them together in packages for a shelter
- everyone can bring items for a baby shower for a local women's shelter - package them up and deliver
- everyone is asked to bring home baking --> prepare packages wrapped in cellophane and deliver to the neighbours around your church
- ask a community agency what they might need - see how you might assit them
- sing carols in a nursing home
I'd love to hear more ideas from others!
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