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During the summer of 2014, the CRC formed a new ministry entitled "Faith Formation Ministries," and its mission includes (among other things) supporting youth ministry in CRC congregations.  

On April 22-24, 2015, twenty-five youth ministry leaders from all corners of the Christian Reformed denomination gathered in Chicago to reflect on the state of youth ministry in the CRCNA.  Hundreds of leaders would have been qualified to attend this event, but we at FFM knew we had to (a) cover all regions of the denomination, (b) limit the numbers to 25 to have capacity for significant reflection, and (c) invite representatives from a variety of institutions that play a role in youth ministry.  (If you scan the list of attendees at the end of the Chicago Covenant document, you will understand what this means.)

By the end of our time together, we had written a document that we are calling "The Chicago Covenant."  This brief document has four parts:  it describes the current context of the CRCNA; it briefly outlines a vision for discipleship and youth ministry, it issues a call to action to the CRC concerning youth ministry, and it commits those of us who are involved in youth ministry to strengthen congregational youth ministry in any way that we can.

On June 15 we will present the Chicago covenant to synod.  We invite you to read the attached document and, if it speaks for you, to add your signature to it.  

The Christian Reformed Church is more than 155 years old, and this is the first time in our history that we have a ministry whose mission includes strengthening congregational youth ministry.  We are grateful for this new development, and hope that you will join us in thanking the CRC synodical delegates of 2015 for taking this step and challenging them to join us in committing to provide more support for congregations as they share the Lord's grace and truth with their teens.

Here are current signatories. 

If you have any questions, please contact Syd Hielema at [email protected]

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