This morning, my waking eyes were met with stories of criminals attacking judges, sex workers bragging about 100s of clients in one day, and child trafficking. Some days, the dark depravity of the world is like a heavy curtain that drapes itself over everything true, good, and beautiful. One needs to look hard to find good things in the world today, but the ugly and wretched are right before our eyes, like a pair of glasses that we can’t take off. As humans in the Western world progressively move further and further from God, they become more and more animalistic—pulsing with lust for revenge, sex, and self-gratification. In such a world, where is hope?
The Psalmist gives the answer: “Make a loud shout to God, all the earth; Sing praise for the glory of His name; Establish His praise as glorious. Say to God, ‘How fearsome are Your works! Because of the abundance of Your strength Your enemies will cower before You. All the earth will worship You, And will sing praises to You; They will sing praises to Your name.’” Selah.” (Psalm 66:1–4)
Selah! All the world will one day worship God! The one whose Law all the aforementioned travesties are an affront to will one day bring the world to perfectly obey Him. What a day it will be when there is zero sin—no more anger, no more murder, no more sexual depravity, no more pain (Rev 21:3-5). The only hope for this dark world cannot be found in political systems or technological advancements. Politics has only failed and technology can, at best, dull the pain of a sin-sick world. Often, these things increase the misery of humankind by propping up sinful regimes and using technological advancements to increase our depravity. What a dismal picture for those who hope in man! What a glorious one for those who hope in Christ!
For the latter, there is a sure hope, a secure foundation, a divine promise that guarantees complete harmony not just between man and man, but man and God. In that day, all the world will worship Him. As we anticipate that day, what could be more pleasing and peace-producing than to worship Him with His people now.
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