The Apostle John wrote about Jesus,"We have seen his glory, the glory of the only Son who came from the Father." (John 1:14) But that glory had to be veiled and toned down or else John and everyone else would be blinded just as we cannot look directly at the sun.
The first flash of Jesus' glory took place, not in Jerusalem, but in an obscure place called Cana. Why there? Matthew Henry commented, "to show that Jesus did not first of all seek honor and praise from people, but that he would confer honor on the lowly." The occasion was a wedding. We don't even know the names of the bride and groom. But that's really better because Jesus was honoring marriage itself by his presence there.
When the supply of wine was gone, his mother Mary reported this to Jesus. That's an excellent idea. We too may bring our problems to Jesus. Mary placed her confidence in Jesus and she invited the servants to trust in Jesus too as she said to them, "Do whatever he tells you to do." No matter how ridiculous it sounds, just do it.
Often when Jesus intends to give a blessing, he first gives a command. Seeing six stone water jars there, each holding twenty or thirty gallons, Jesus commanded the servants, "Fill the jars with water." Even if it sounded dumb to the servants, they did it with gusto. They filled them to the brim! They did what Jesus commanded them to do with enthusiasm and so should we.
All of the water was turned into the best wine, providing much more than just what was needed at the wedding. There Jesus showed his mastery over material things, changing water into grape juice. He also showed his mastery over time as he condensed years into a moment by his word. So it was really two miracles in one sign of Jesus' glory.
The Great Commission command given later to his eleven disciples as recorded in Matthew 28:16-20 sounded impossible to those few men. They had no secretaries and few financial resources. But eternity will reveal how far they advanced the Good News about Jesus and his resurrection from the dead.
Now we have the privilege of helping carry the flaming torch of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. As each of us does his/her part, the task will be finished. For many years I have been led to serve with the workers associated with Audio Scripture Ministries based in Holland, Michigan. ASM provides Scripture primarily to people who cannot read a Bible in many languages. There are still millions of people in the world who cannot read and so need to hear God's Word.
May the Lord lead and help each on of us to do our part, obeying all the commands of Jesus until we meet him at the greatest wedding banquet of all and drink the new wine of his love forever and forever.
Faith Nurture
Faith Nurture, Biblical Justice
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
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