Faith Nurture, General Worship
Where Does Jesus Live in Your Church? - Part 3

The third in an 8 part series on congregational culture, i.e. the ways that Jesus lives in our churches. (Here are links to Part 1 and Part 2).
The Embodied Sermon
The topic was alcohol, and it was a classic creation-fall-redemption sermon that warmed every Reformed heart in the sanctuary. “He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate—bringing forth food from the earth: wine that gladdens human hearts…” (Ps. 104: 14-15a). “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery.” (Eph. 5: 18a) The message was packed with wisdom and helpful illustrations, celebrating both our freedom in Christ and the self-control that comes as a fruit of the Spirit.
But this powerful sermon intensified to an entirely deeper level after it was done. A longtime member of the congregation slowly walked to the pulpit, quietly composed herself, and said, “I am a recovering alcoholic, and I would like to share my story.” And for the next ten minutes she did, describing her journey into darkness, which was followed by checking into a rehab center, and now, thirteen years later, attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in our church every week. I think our sanctuary was the quietest that I had ever experienced. As a youth leader, I was especially struck by the rapt attention given to her by every teenager in the building.
I imagine that you are not surprised by this.
“Mirrored here, may our lives tell your story,” petitions the hymn Shine, Jesus, Shine, and, because Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit, that’s what happens! Jesus is present in our church through the stories of the lives.
In my 62 years as a member of the CRC, I’ve noticed that we tend to describe people either in terms of the opinions they hold or the stories they share. And these two are very different.
Opinions tend to be black and white. Stories are multi-colored.
Opinions can become walls to hide behind. Stories render us vulnerable.
Opinions divide people into us and them. Stories bring people together.
Opinions can generate negative emotions. Stories often generate more loving emotions.
In other words, story-sharing increases the space for Jesus to live in our churches.
Providing story-sharing platforms.
But story-sharing is not easy, and usually does not occur naturally. For that reason, one of our callings in congregational leadership is to provide story-sharing platforms that give people permission to tell their stories to folks who listen respectfully.
Here are some examples:
Do you see what each of these bullets have in common? Each one declares in its own way, “we all have hundreds of God stories inside us, and they need help to come out!” And we provide such help when we offer permission-giving platforms like these.
Imagine if your congregation intentionally decided to work towards becoming a place that provides story-sharing platforms, and imagine how the church culture might change after five years of such sharing. Imagine how the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ might have more room to flourish in that kind of an environment.
Faith Formation Ministries has a toolkit that provides dozens of ideas for providing story sharing platforms. You can check it out at If you’d like to consult with an FFM team member concerning how to adapt these ideas for your congregation, contact us at If your church has developed other story-sharing platforms, please describe them in the comments. Thanks!
Faith Nurture
Faith Nurture, Biblical Justice
Faith Nurture, Youth Ministry
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I would love to see the remainder of this series. I've reposted the first 3 parts on our church's FB page and received some positive feedback. But I have not seen any more parts. If they're available please post!
Thank you
Hi Tim! Just wanted to give you a heads up that part 4 was just posted here.
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