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Over the last couple of months several people have asked me, "Do you know of some Christian Reformed Churches that would be considered 'Houses of Prayer' or 'Churches Dedicated to Prayer?'" I know a few, but since my knowledge of every individual congregation is limited, I am sure there are numerous churches with a vibrant commitment to prayer and prayer ministry I am not aware of.

Do you consider your church a praying church? Are there other models of praying churches in your area, classis, region that could serve as encouragement to churches beginning to intentionally prioritize prayer ministry or who have been prioritizing prayer ministry for a long time and could benefit from another church's "best practices?"

Let's share some of the stories of what God is doing - through prayer - in our denomination!!


I would encourage you to contact Pastor Scott Roberts at Hope in Christ (CRC) in Bellingham, Washington.  They have recently partnered with a house of prayer type ministry, Light of the World Prayer Center (LOWPC).   I am on the board of this ministry with several other CRC (Dr. Alvin Vander Griend, author of Love to Pray, the Joy of Prayer, and Praying the Father's Heart, is another CRC member on this board) and non-CRC members.   I cannot tell you how encouraged and blessed I was/we were when God orchestrated moving this inter-denominational prayer ministry onto a CRC campus, not through any effort, other than prayer, of the CRC board members - that's a whole testimony in itself.   This ministry goes beyond our CRC denomination with a beautiful blend of the diverse body of Christ from all different streams - mixing of all things ;) ...reformed and pentecostal!!     PRAISE GOD!!   and I think is evidence of God honoring the CRC when we reach out beyond the traditional Reformed walls to His greater Kingdom (and embracing His Holy Spirit more fully).  It's about so much more than our denomination...It's about His Body, His Bride, the Church!  and as much as I love the CRC, been a part of it all my life, we have much to learn from other streams, and, they hopefully can learn from us!

The church I attend - 2nd CRC in Lynden, participates in 24/7 prayer, taking one day a month to cover that day with relay type prayer, along with 30-40 other churches in the county that all take a day each month, so that there is continual prayer.   One particular scripture where this is mentioned is Luke 18:7; the story of the reluctant judge and the persistent widow...Jesus states..."....and will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night?  Will He keep putting them off?  I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly."   There are more scriptural references to 24/7 prayer, but that's one powerful example.  (Also research the Moravians, who prayed continually for over 100 years)!

The prayer center is working on 24/7 worship and prayer on-site, and has 7-10 prayer missionaries - several in their 20's -  that are supported similar to "traditional" missionaries that go out and serve in the "field"  but the prayer missionaries spend 20-40 plus hours each week in worship, prayer and service!   This is based on the concept of the tabernacle of David being restored (Acts 15:16-17), where David assigned and financed 4000 Levites as musicians to worship before the Ark of the LORD, night and day!  (1 Chron 23:5; 1 Chron 9:33)  Can you imagine, if this level of worship and prayer is going on all over our nation?  Think "Days of Elijah"...and these are the days of Your servant, David, rebuilding the temple of praise...   I go crazy just thinking about it because it is SO exciting!  

I could write on this a long time, in fact I have pages and many Biblical references if interested in more on the tabernacle of David...and other prayer related concepts from scripture, like the 24/7 prayer.   These are just some concepts that we believe are a bit of what is on God's heart, we don't claim they are the best or the only way, but several of many ways to get in step with King Jesus, the Great Intercessor.   We still have a long ways to go, before I would say we are a house of prayer...but that is our prayer

Oh, LORD, pour out Your Spirit of prayer and supplication upon us, stir our hearts to spend time with You!  May we hunger for Your Presence as David did, as Moses did!    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for what You are doing among Your people!   May we be faithful, may we be obedient...May we glorify You in all we do...because it is all about You! 


May we exalt King Jesus, 24/7!


Thank you for sharing with us your excitment for and the blessings of the Light of the World Prayer Center in Bellingham. When I was at the Denominational Prayer Leaders Network in January, Dr. Alvin Vander Griend shared similar excitement for the vision and impact this ministry is having! God is being lifted up!

Luke 18 is also one of my favorite prayer passages; I find the question in the 8th verse to be most challenging: "When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" Faith is integrally linked to prayer.  

I am encouraged by your passion and will pray that it is contagious throughout the Pacific Northwest...and may God bless the LOWPC, those who participate, and those who are being prayed for! And please feel free to share more of what God is doing through the center.


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