Nonprofits to Support Recommended by the CRC?

I would like to get a list of charitable causes recommended by CRC so that I can make a significant donation to my local church and ask them to distribute it. The reason is that it is cumbersome for me to access the funds in my investment portfolio. I would like to do that only once or twice a year and then direct my home church to distribute it as I specify. Any ideas?
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Hello there, I wonder if this page will offer the help you are looking for:
Also, the Barnabas Foundation can help offer sound advice for those in the US.
Blessings to you as contribute to God's mission!
Erin Knight, Diaconal Ministries Canada
Hi Bill,
It's great that you're looking for ways to share your blessings with others! I would recommend first talking to your Deacons to see what causes they have decided to support. Deacons often put considerable time & effort into sorting through the many requests they receive from local, denominational and other organizations, to find the ones that best fit your church's mission. Directing your gift to an organization that isn't already on your church's list of supported causes may be cumbersome to the person processing it, and in some areas it might be contrary to charitable status laws. (In Canada, a donation is not considered a "gift" and therefore not eligible for a charitable receipt if the donor retains control of it.)
Good luck!
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