General Planning Resources, Pastors
Summer Worship Planning Roundtable - RECORDING AVAILABLE
March 11, 2024
Recording now available for this really informative worship roundtable on summer worship. There were several things mentioned that were in chat, but won't be listed in the recording.
Wondering what to do for summer worship? This is a season when church ministry slows down, attendance tends to drop as folks head off on vacation, and many staff enjoy a change of pace. This is also a season where children's ministry takes a break and you're more likely to have all ages in your sanctuary for full services.
Join the roundtable on Thursday, April 11th at 1:00 p.m. EST on zoom to talk summer worship planning. We'll brainstorm ideas for some cohesive elements to hold the season together. We'll talk about intergenerational ideas for all ages. We'll share ideas for ways to do "more with less." Come with ideas, leave with ideas.
Contact Katie Roelofs with questions ([email protected])
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General Planning Resources, Pastors
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