General Worship, Leading Worship
Planning Teams and Worship Committee Structure Ideas
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I have just been hired at the church I now attend and am working on developing a new mandate for their request of creating a new worship committee structure and a new planning team structure. The idea is to have a planning/liturgy team that just focuses on the weekly services - the song selections, the litanies, the readers, etc. and then the worship committee is responsible for the yearly calendar, the procedures of worship, the evaluation, the 'work' groups that happen during worship (nursery, audio, ushers, etc). So really it's a worship committee with a subcommittee. I'm just curious how other churches have that idea working for them. Council has suggested that the ministry coordinator (myself), the pastor and the musicians be part of the planning committee....however there is no interest of the musicians to be part of it. So we are recommending that there be 3 of us on the planning committee (myself, the pastor and one other from the worship committee) who are responsible for a set of musicians that we connect with and plan alongside them. Just looking for other ideas.
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Hi Melanie - since no one has answered your question here, why don't you try the Worship Ministries Facebook page? There are several hundred CRC worship people there who are quite actively engaged in helping each other with questions like this. If you're not already active there, you'll have to request to join - (it's a closed group so that it's focused and safe). We will approve you and then you can ask any question any time.
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