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What is an 'ordinary Christian'?  In my opinion that pretty much covers all of us. The pastors I know fit into that category as well.  Our daughter and her family have been in Africa for five years working with a group Take Action which is a Word and deed ministry.  Check that blog out as well as Then go to Money saving Mom who is Crystal Paine and read what she just did and is doing. My husband, a very ordinary Christian, goes to Africa and Ethiopia twice a year and does TLT with pastors and other OC's. Besides that we have been in Cambodia five times, China and Korea. None of the above people are scraping buildings and putting on a new layer of paint.  There is way too much to do in God's Kingdom.  The world is so big so every ordinary Christian, of which I am chief, is needed both here and abroad.  Imagine if we did 'pray and give and go!' We are all capable of one of those.  Lastly every Christian, ordinary and extra ordinary, read another life giving book by Chris Marlowe 'Doing Good is Simple'.  Let us all get out to change our world one person at a time.  My e mail is [email protected] love to talk with you. Willie Van Schepen

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