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Our church ended up going with Vanco for our online giving. We called the company we got our church database software from (Servant Keeper) and that's who they suggested. Their customer service is very good and it integrates with our database so we can download transaction information for yearly totals and whatnot. I don't remember what the pricing information ended up being though.

We just started having outdoor services (we're in northern NJ). Our church is fortunate to have a large hill behind the church lined with trees at the top for shade. Our Plan B in the event of bad weather is to cancel the outdoor portion and livestream the Pastor and Praise Team. I don't think we'll be having services in the sanctuary until it's safe to have the majority of the congregation back in there.


NJ laws currently allow for 100 people indoors or 25% capacity, whichever is lower, but religious and political groups can have unlimited numbers outdoors as long as we social distance and take precautions.

We have a worship team that leads us during services, but with all the COVID restrictions I honestly don't see us having choir right now. Maybe things will be different by the time Christmas rolls around, but it might be safer to wait until next year.

You could encourage the congregation to send cards or notes if you have a lot of non-techy members. Depending on your area's guidelines, you may be able to have a drive-through or drive-by celebration of some kind.

Back when Advent started, one of our volunteers put together take-home Advent wreath boxes for families to light during the holiday season. Depending on what your restrictions look like, you might be able to put materials or activity ideas in boxes for home use.

There are companies, like Orange Kids Media, where you can buy access to videos and resources that you could post on your website for the kids to watch at home as well. They have different programs for different age groups, like one for Pre-K, one for kids, and one for teens.

I'm not a youth anymore, but my friends and I have been engaging in weekly game nights online. You might be able to find different online games that you could play together online by streaming through Zoom or Discord.


I don't know if it counts as a logo, but we have a stained glass window that we use as our image on basically everything (website, Facebook, bulletin covers, newsletters, etc.).

Hi Bob,

When our church presents the proposed budget at the yearly Congregational Meeting, we have separate line items for our minister's salary, for wages for paid employees and those who get some kind of stipend, and for some of the expenses related to them (employment taxes, pulpit supply, accountant fees, etc.). In years past, we broke down the expenses related to benefits, but this didn't happen last year (we went through some big changes over the past few years, including a new pastor and new financial secretary).

Hope that helps answer your question.


Hi Lori. Our church uses a company called Vanco to process online giving. This company was recommended to us by the company we use for our church database (Servant Keeper). I'm not sure if online donations has made a significant increase in givings, but it is convenient. 

For CRC denomination-wide giving, I know they're in testing mode with an app called the Bridge App (already in use in Canadian churches, but only in test stages in the US). For more information about that, look here: 

We typically promote small groups and Bible studies in our bulletin and on our Facebook page. Most of the group leaders have their own ways of communicating with those in the group and some will actually go out/call/email those they believe would be interested or who fit the demographic for that group. 


Our church also recently started sending out weekly email blasts and I've been using that to highlight certain announcements.

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