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Dear friend,

Greetings you in Jesus name. We are so grateful to God for the opportunity He has given us to work for the evangelization of India.  We are ambassadors of the Gospel in a land where thousands of villages are totally unreached.  The people in these villages have never heard the Gospel – not even one time.  India has one of the largest unevangelized populations in the entire world.  We are doing our best to reach these people because we believe in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.  Jesus said, “Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel…” Over the years, God has been rewarding our labor.  Thousands of Hindus, Muslims and animists have embraced Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord!


In spreading the Gospel, we are not only evangelizing but also tending to the material needs of the poor.  We operate Orphanage, Child Development centers, Church Planting Ministries, Evangelism, School, Tailoring for the tribal women; Relief, Medical care & we also strive to meet the material needs of the thousands of poverty stricken people that we minister to in the states of India.


We humbly request your prayers for this mission work in India.  The field is ready for a great harvest of souls. The field is wide open for the harvest if we can send the missionaries.  Odisha India is a land with thousands of ethno-linguistic groups, not to mention an assortment of world religions such as Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Zoroastrianism and animism.  In India, we have 14 official languages and 1,400 minor languages, not to mention thousands and thousands of varying dialects.  The task is great, but our God is greater still!  We are expecting a great harvest of souls, even as we work to spread the Gospel in this very needy land.  With your partnership, we can make a difference! Please pray, Visit and help as possible for the mission work in Odisha India.




In His Mission


Rev Barun Senapati.


Bethany trust

Post Box 17. At-PO- Kesinga

Dist Kalahandi Orissa India. Pin No- 766012.


Cell-0091-94373-62390- 08456018175

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