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Recently the library in our church was relocated. In the process of relocating the librarians cleaned house. They removed all of the books that apparently had rarely been checked out. These books were given away to anyone in the church that wanted them. Among the giveaways were reference works, such as various Bible commentaries, Calvin Institutes, Barns Notes, and many Christian biographies. There were some newer scholarly works as well. All of these are gone, and now all that is left are the Christian novels. I call these fluff. There are few books left that truly challenge the reader to grapple with Biblical truth. Nothing concerning justice, race relations, or other social issues. I am afraid the content of our new library reflects sadly that what the Christians at my church want, at least the ones that frequent the library, is to be entertained, and they are not interested in engaging in deeper thinking. If this is what we are going call a church library, then I would say we need neither the library or the librarian! 

I am toying with the idea of becoming our church librarian. Where would I begin? I do not have any training in library science. I have read here that many church libraries are designed with a self-checkout system. How can I set this in place? I do not want to jump into this without having some knowledge of what I am doing. Someone else had asked if there are any resources that can help a layperson learn how to organize and run a library. My hope is that if approach this correctly, my wife will join me in this endeavor. I know she would come onboard only if I can demonstrate that I have done my homework and am well prepared and have a plan and vision.

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