David Lundberg
I am blessed to call Linda my beautiful and wise wife of 48 years. We have two children and three grandchildren whose love and lives enrich us continuously. We moved to Grand Rapids in 2015 after living in Wisconsin and Illinois. We found Shawnee Park CRC to be a welcoming community of people who desire to be servants of Jesus. I attended college at Goshen (IN) College, North Park College (now University) in Chicago, and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
After a career in Social Work I retired (or semi-retired) to do other stuff. One of the "other stuff" is working part-ime as a caseworker at Volunteers In Service (VIS) in Grand Rapids. Teaching high school age youth for 40 + years has been a passion and a joy. To say that i have learned much from the students is an understatement.