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Why is this a big deal?

Just open ... as people feel comfortable, safe, moved, they will come... or they won't ...

Your people will distance themselves if they feel it is necessary, they will get closer if they feel it is not ...

Your people will wear masks if they feel it is necessary, they won't if they feel it is not ...

Your people will hug again when they have permission from both huggees, or they won't ...

Just treat people like the smart, informed, spirit-filled people they are ... and not like some kindergarten class that needs instructions as to what line to be in and when to go out for recess...

Just open ... if you wait for perfection it will never happen...

Just open ... if you wait for congregation agreement it will never happen...

Just open ... if you wait for the "experts" to agree it will never happen...

Just open ... THEN people have a choice, when closed, there is no choice ... you've made the choice for them...

During the Diocletian persecution, a group of North African Christians were brought to trial in Carthage for meeting illegally for worship. When asked why they had persisted in this practice, one replied, “Sine Dominico, non possumus”: “Without this thing of the Lord, we cannot live.”

Just open ... without this thing of the Lord, we cannot live.

Just open

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