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Thank you so much for writing and sharing this. It is so incredibly hard to take that first step toward the other person, but the rewards are worth it.

These are great ideas. This summer we've been doing Wednesday Night Fun Night. We started with mini-golf on the lawn. Made up our own course through the lawn (cut the grass shorter), had youth group students create and decorate the holes, and used regular putters and racquetball balls! It was a hit. Last week we had our 2nd annual puzzle competition and added a cornhole tournament. This week we are creating a huge slip-n-slide! Next week is a little more subdued with canvas painting. We've seen quite a few neighbors who aren't members attend the events. Probably 50/50.

I was challenged earlier this year to step out of my typical reading of all things non-fiction, and grab a novel. Someone loaned me a bound collection of HG Wells' novels. I through three of the six and have to say it is refreshing. I'll probably be good for the rest of the year though. :)

I'm also reading Ian Morgan Cron's book "The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery." Fascinating information, particularly for someone working with a variety of people in a church setting.

This year I've also finished "Redeemer: The Life of Jimmy Carter," by Randall Balmer, and Carey Nieuwhof's recent release, "Didn't See It Coming."

My list of books I plan to read this year is long. 

Our church library has devolved into a heavily used fiction storehouse. It make me sad. Shelves full of "Christian" fiction. 

I'm not sure where the fear you express is being presented. I believe you are reading too much between the lines of the Nashville Statement. If you have more documentation for clarification of your points, I'd be interested in reading them. I don't read any capitulation to fear in the statement.


Doug - While I agree we can't create a new vision because the ultimate vision has already been established, we most certainly need the Elders to ensure the proper vision is being worked out in our congregations. As we see a significant lack of engagement among members, the Elders need to be out front, sharing the vision, and ensuring it is truly being part of each and every part of what we do as a church family. Are each one of our ministries operating and succeeding within the vision set forth? That is what we must ask. Repeatedly.


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