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At the risk of shamelessy plugging a resource of ours...GenOn Ministries is nearly complete with creating something that we expect to be a solution for you, David. About 20 churches are now "piloting" our Sunday LIFT (Living In Faith Together) which moves Sunday morning faith formation from the classroom ("school") to the table ("relationships").

It's a time for building relationships intergenerationally through a shared meal (or snack), Bible study (conversation around a story or biblical text), fun activity, and prayer/song. All in an hour. Some churches have said they'd like it to replace their Sunday school and others are seeing it as a supplement (every 4-5 weeks or for the summer). Some are holding it before or after worship and others in-between two services. 

We'll have more to share once we hear from more of the pilots about their test flight of LIFT! Whatever the case, we're hopeful it will energize Sunday morning Christian education. Here's a bit more description (including a link to a sample session).

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