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Brian, your question to me, in the context of this discussion strikes me as bizarre. I see from your earlier comments that you have some pretty strong opinions about the nature of government and especially the evils of socialism. I'm Canadian. People on both sides of the political spectrum here usually tend to look towards the centre, not the radical fringe, which to me is where your opinions belong. We have government controlled universal medical care, which people on both sides of the political spectrum cherish. I assume for you this is the epitome of the evils of socialism. Paul Verhoef's eloquent explanation below rings completely true to me.  I can't imagine anyone in this country, even conservative Christians, disagreeing with this document in spirit. I hope it clarifies things for you. 

Thank you, Daniel Zylstra, for so clearly exposing the inflammatory language used in this article. It seems the writer has quite an ax to grind. 

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