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I'd love to offer a few ideas from CLC Network, if that's ok! And, today I see a great post on CRCNA about some creativity in using the gifts of a person with Down syndrome -see it here

At CLC, we LOVE Disability Concern's slogan: Everybody belongs, everbody serves. And I wonder if the individual whom you are thinking about, at 18 years old, has a place to belong and to serve, not just to sit in a corner and color --though coloring can be an expression of worship, so that's not to be ignored either! 

We believe the inclusion of persons with their peers is always advantageous. Both to the individual and to the group: we grow as we learn and interact together. Is there a young adults group in your church? She could join that group, and build relationships with church members her age and/or older, whom she may grow to know and love for years to come as others in her life come and go with college plans, etc. Adapting Bible Study content for her learning needs is an option. Together Curriculum from Friendship Ministries has loads of great content, as well as resources and ideas for adapting for individuals (no matter what curriculum or content you are using). See more at, particularly the page on "adapting to the needs of your group".

Like Zach, in the story posted on CRCNA Network today, might this young lady have a place to serve? The first questions we always ask when thinking about an individualized plan for participation in worship is "what does the person love to do?" and "what does this person do well?" because the truth is, she is bringing her gifts to your congregation, just as you or anyone else brings gifts and talents to the body. What might God be doing as he arranges each part of the body as He sees fit, here in your community? (See 1 Corinthians 12:18). 

If you'd like a place to start brainstorming, or some resources, have a look at our free resources and ideas at CLC Network. You may be inspired and find some starting points in our list of ideas for each role within the church to think about how to better include persons with varied abilities. Email us with questions, or if you'd like to consider some training, consulting, or ongoing support! Blessings! (I would love to hear how this story unfolds!)

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