Thank you for your response. As the "God in Film" sermon series is getting popular, the legality of showing clips is getting very important, and I've been doing quite a bit of research on this. Regarding this part of your response:
"According to the Digital Media Law Project website (2014), copyrighted works such as music and movies may be performed or displayed without permission in the course of face-to-face teaching. I think a sermon would qualify."
I know it's been a year, but I went to the DMLP website, but could not find where it said that, which is almost a perfect reply to our unique needs... could you possibly find the link/page that you are referencing, so I can show that to our senior staff?
Thank you for your help with this, blessings on your ministry,
Ian Operations Coordinator, Palo Alto Vineyard Church (
Posted in: Copyright for Movie Clips in Sermons?
Hello Eileen,
Thank you for your response. As the "God in Film" sermon series is getting popular, the legality of showing clips is getting very important, and I've been doing quite a bit of research on this. Regarding this part of your response:
"According to the Digital Media Law Project website (2014), copyrighted works such as music and movies may be performed or displayed without permission in the course of face-to-face teaching. I think a sermon would qualify."
I know it's been a year, but I went to the DMLP website, but could not find where it said that, which is almost a perfect reply to our unique needs... could you possibly find the link/page that you are referencing, so I can show that to our senior staff?
Thank you for your help with this, blessings on your ministry,
Operations Coordinator, Palo Alto Vineyard Church