We us Planning Center Online (specifically their Check-Ins app) to do our kids check in for the nursery and kids classes during the service. It's pretty easy to get kids checked in for visitors and it creates a label for the child with their name, parents names etc. It also creates a "security" label with an ID number (but no name) that is used to pick up the child at the end. We don't allow kids to go unless the parents have the security label that matches the label on the child.
Posted in: Visitor Policy When Preschool Class Starts Halfway Through Service?
We us Planning Center Online (specifically their Check-Ins app) to do our kids check in for the nursery and kids classes during the service. It's pretty easy to get kids checked in for visitors and it creates a label for the child with their name, parents names etc. It also creates a "security" label with an ID number (but no name) that is used to pick up the child at the end. We don't allow kids to go unless the parents have the security label that matches the label on the child.