Thanks for "producing" such a life giving article Anthony! I love the way you nuance the debate. Not all production is bad or good, it's more about recognizing the limits of our bodies and brains. I really appreciate the bottleneck metaphor in this line: "The imperative to produce, whether original content or reaction to and for everything and everyone out of every corner of the world has left our finite embodied selves as the bottleneck in the information supply chain of our disembodied digital world."
Posted in: Consumerism is Obsolete
Thanks for "producing" such a life giving article Anthony! I love the way you nuance the debate. Not all production is bad or good, it's more about recognizing the limits of our bodies and brains. I really appreciate the bottleneck metaphor in this line: "The imperative to produce, whether original content or reaction to and for everything and everyone out of every corner of the world has left our finite embodied selves as the bottleneck in the information supply chain of our disembodied digital world."