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Bethel CRC, Waterdown Ontario calls its 60+ group OASIS Older Adults Sharing In Service. (The acronym also works for Older Adults Suffering In Silence :-) ). We meet monthly from September through June and start with a BBQ in September with a Redeemer University outing in October followed by an in house presentation in November by a local ministry. In December our Deacons treat us to a fabulous Christmas Dinner that has raised as much as $1,500.00 for causes such as Habitat for Humanities. In February there has historically been a Valentine Lunch at a local buffet style restaurant. OASIS seeks to be relevant to local ministries in the Classis Hamilton area and invites speakers from those organizations to do presentations. OASIS participants have shown power points of recent travels. In August our church's deacons put on a Sunday afternoon OASIS tea. Participation varies from mid twenty to high fifty. The challenge is to get those in the lower age bracket to begin to participate.


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